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Garden Guide

Garden Guide

Regular price $27.00 USD
Regular price $67.00 USD Sale price $27.00 USD
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From humble beginnings with tomatoes dangling from our upside down planter in a cramped 2 bedroom apartment, our dream of growing our own food began. 

After being inspired by pioneers like Joel Salatin and equipped with a wealth of knowledge from pouring over books, gardening magazines, and seed catalogs, we yearned for a garden of our own bursting with fresh fruits and veggies. 

Today, our mission is to empower busy Moms and families. We understand the challenges: hectic schedules, limited space, and the daunting question on everyone's mind of where to start your garden journey. 

Believe me, we've been down that road. We've faced setbacks, but successes have taught us key lessons we're eager to share with YOU! That's why we wrote this, with you in mind.

Introducing our fully loaded Garden Guide and Notebook e-book! We've pulled together our knowledge, resources, links, and more to inspire and support you. Great for families filled with ideas and activities to bring your kiddos into the garden as well. No matter your space or time constraints, you can cultivate a thriving garden and enjoy the bounty. 

Lets dive in together and transform those garden dreams into reality and inspire you to start your garden today. Because in reality, all you have to do is start!  

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